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  • Writer's pictureTate Winters

Do good unto all men?

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men.

- Galatians 6:10 (a)

When I go to walmart, I almost always get caught up looking for one thing. I am super stubborn therefore I pretty much refuse to ask a walmart employee as to what isle I need to be on. Recently Aleisha and I were buying groceries and we heard this lady yelling, “Can I please have an employee help me?” We looked over because it sounded like something was wrong and this lady was screaming at the top of her lungs for help getting diapers off the top shelf. There were no employees to be found, so a kind gentleman stepped over and assisted the lady. I understand at times we may be frustrated just like this lady. To me it is almost the same as going to a restaurant and being a crab to the waiter or waitress regardless of service. Why is it the same? It is the same because we are destroying our witness in the world and hindering the growth of our harvest. Remember, when you get frustrated that the scripture says we must be good unto all men!

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