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  • Writer's pictureTate Winters

Trust Fall

I’m sure at just the mention of this trust exercise you flash back to a more innocent time in your life. That may not be the case for you, but it certainly is for me. I remember yelling, “Trust fall”, and without notice I would begin to close my eyes and begin leaning back slowly. Most of the times my friends would catch me and other times they would intentionally let me fall.

There are countless trust exercises such as: perfect square, night trail, willow in the wind, the lost goes on. It is human nature in our innocence to trust, but the older we get the less we trust others because of our past experiences. I’ve said in the past, “God will have to give me a sign for me to do this.” We tend to place human restrictions on God scripture mentions this in Numbers twenty-three verse nineteen which says:

“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent; hath he said, and shall not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”

If God says he will take care of you then he and only he has the power to do so. Stop relying on man or self ! This reminds me of Gideon, in Judges chapter six we see God calling Gideon, Gideon asking for signs even after seeing fire come from the rock. Sometimes I find myself in the same place as Gideon, you may too, but we must never question or lose trust in God. My challenge for you is: if God has called you don’t question it, live in it! The saying goes, “If God has brought you to it he will bring you through it,” but for the sake of this devotion the saying is, “If God has called you, trust him at his word to equip and empower you to do the work!”

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