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  • Writer's pictureJordon Barton

Monopoly of Life

While sitting around the table playing a board game called “Monopoly” we picked out our characters, placed them in the right place and were conversing with one another, as the game goes on, a player builds house after house, hotel after hotel soon taking up half the board. The rest of the board had a few houses on other properties, but nothing too bad. One player, needed just one more property to build houses to collect more money, but I didn’t notice, they offered the player with all the houses and hotels everything invested in just for that one spot. This caused them to lose everything just to gain one spot in a game. Life is the same way at points in our life, we see the good in something or someone and give it all up not knowing how bad it could hurt us. There’s only one person we can give everything in this life to and that’s our God, he can hold it all with no worries.

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Matthew 6:19-21

Our treasures are our body, soul, mind, strength, heart and walk with God. Judas Traded everything and God for thirty Pieces of silver. This story is often referenced, but It’s so powerful and has so much meaning in it. When you have the love of money, hate, pain, and guilt, it is so bad makes you do things you never would’ve thought about doing. When Jesus went into the temple, “he said my house shall be called a house of prayer.” So the people became greedy and hungry for the wrong love and they fell for the monopoly of life. They began to sell and trade in the temple and who really knows what else they were doing. This was a holy place just like our body’s and souls. We have to be careful not to fall for the things of this world and turn our backs on God. You don’t have to go through the Monopoly of life; you can give everything to God and he’ll see you through. You don’t have to worry about losing everything put it in his hands and he’ll take care of you. Watch carefully for the ones who say they’re your friend they’ll turn on you in a heartbeat. Come to this party or event. What you put in front of your eyes matters. What you listen to matters, who you hang out with matters. Don’t join the crowd just because everyone else is doing it. You may have to lose some friends in your life, but it will be worth it. We all have fallen for the Monopoly of life. Pray for God to help you with the choices of life but remember, we have free will. Sometimes it’s our own choices that determined the outcome. God is a wonderful God, and he loves you, so before you make the choice pray about it and seek God, If not you’ll get caught up in the Monopoly of life.

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