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  • Writer's pictureAleisha Winters

Opportunity through Disappointments

Is it everywhere you look you see success but not in your own life? Everyone is showing off their newest job, vehicle, or the coolest projects. We have a bad habit of saying, Why not me Lord?”

These are discouraging realities that we face everyday. Areas of our life aren't starlike, noteworthy, or full of success. It may feel like no matter how hard we try, we are still stuck in a rut. The first thing we blame, is ourselves. We beat our self up so much, we give ourself emotional bruises. But, there is one thing that I always tell myself in these times in my life.

I feel as if Jesus has watched me try and try again, but held back success so I would listen to his voice more clearly. We need to learn the difference between self-lead effort, and Jesus-lead effort. We can do many things on our own, but does that mean we should?

When we step back and admit our power isn't enough that is when we see the greatest move in our life. His supernatural strength will take over when our strength cant hold anymore. It will be evident and perpetual. Sometimes our failure is an opportunity for someone else to see God work in our life.

When we get disappointed we should be reminded that God is always up to something but its always for our good. Failure is not your companion. Some say to remain in the situation and to lower our sights. Instead, we should old tight to the promise that is on our side. Let our faith bring life to these dry bones.

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