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"If we don't tell them, they'll never know. We need writers because the word has the power to give life, and we live in a dead world."

Steven Gill



Home: Welcome

Psalms 88

".. because even if he is silent, it does not mean he is absent."

Forsaken River

" If you get the river it won’t be just a season of harvest or revival, it will be in perpetuation."

In the Waiting

Don’t become bitter in the wait, but strengthen yourself in the Lord. Stop looking for a way out but look for the one to whom will bring..."

Faith or Flesh?

We find ourself asking God to do this in our life or to take us places in your ministry, but who is in control, the spirit or the flesh?

Rumors of War, and an armor of glory.

I am happy that we not only serve the King of kings and the Lord of lords, but Scripture also says that he can be touched by the feelings...


“The picture of forgiveness and love will always trace back to Jesus on the cross.”

The Knock On Your Door

"We must determine who the door is open to. Jesus isn't just knocking, he is calling."

But first the Kingdom

Remember when it comes to the priority list, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him the way he intends, so that all we...

The Weight of a Purpose

"Let the weight of our purpose point back to the God who created it."

The Change-Up

"Condemnation says, “You’re too far, you can’t come back.” Conviction says,“ You’re too far you must come back!'"

Unity of the pack

"When it comes to your brother or your sister needing direction ,or when something drastic is about to change in ones life, we need to..."

From The Inside Out

“As a new season approaches our life we need to refresh our self not neglecting what’s inside of us.”

Go Ye

"We are called to be a witness. People are hungry for someone to teach them about Jesus."


"Because of the spirt this day issued to us almost two-thousand years ago, we are commissioned to go, teach, and baptize."

Which Road do I Take

" It teaches us to trust the one whom created the path for us."

Thankful for the Blood

God never said our life, ministry, goals, servanthood, or anything would be easy.

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